Local Tutors

In most cases Integrated Programme and Module 2 candidates require a Local Tutor except those doing Module 2 face-to-face as part of the Blended Programme. However, for candidates unable to find a suitable Local Tutor, there is the option of having an Online Personal Tutor. Prospective Local Tutors must submit a completed Local Tutor’s Application Form and approval cannot be extended without acceptance of their candidate. Where possible, Local Tutor applications should be submitted alongside that of application of the candidate. The Distance DELTA provides a short distance course to train new Local Tutors to observe and assess lessons at DELTA level. Local Tutors receive regular feedback during the course to support their own professional development. Click here to see what Local Tutors have said about their experience working on the Distance DELTA.


Local Tutor role:

  • participate in the Local Tutor briefing and standardisation procedure
  • provide support for up to 3 Course Participants throughout the period of the programme
  • dedicate around 5 hours per month to Distance Delta-related work for each Course Participant
  • arrange 3 informal observations for each Course Participant 
  • formally observe and assess lessons on 3 occasions
  • follow procedures for arranging the external practical assessment
  • write a brief summarising report on the Course Participant’s progress at the end of the course

Local Tutor requirements:

  • hold a diploma-level qualification in ELT. An MA in Applied Linguistics or TESOL may be regarded as relevant if supported by teaching and teacher-training experience.
  • have extensive experience of English Language Teaching
  • have experience of running in-service teacher development seminars
  • have significant experience of observing practising teachers for evaluation and development purposes
  • provide evidence of their own continued professional development

How can I find a Local Tutor?

The Local Tutor is usually the Director of Studies, a teacher trainer or senior teacher within your own institution who is responsible for your development programme during the year. They should be appropriately qualified, with experience of providing teacher support. If there is no one available in your own school, we suggest you approach another suitable local institution such as International House or the British Council. The role of Local Tutor is normally voluntary but many Local Tutors find the work involved in the Distance DELTA supports their own professional development and a unique entry opportunity to train at Delta level.

How the Online Personal Tutor system works

If you are experiencing difficulty finding a suitable Local Tutor, using an Online Personal Tutor is an effective solution. With this system, candidates are responsible for filming their lessons. This is a relatively straightforward process with The Distance DELTA providing easy to follow, step-by-step guidance as well as access to the necessary software. The hardware which candidates need, for example, webcams and a microphone, can all be obtained at relatively low cost. Recordings of lessons are uploaded and watched by the Online Personal Tutor who gives feedback via Zoom. Developmental observations and tutorials are also done in this way. There is an additional £474 fee if you choose this option.