The Distance DELTA programme enables you to follow a DELTA course whilst still working in your school or institution. It is available either as an integrated modular programme or as individual modules to allow you to select an option that suits your professional needs and commitments. Each module is separately certificated by Cambridge.
Course options
The 3 basic options are as follows:
Integrated Programme comprising all three Cambridge DELTA Modules leading to the full Cambridge DELTA Diploma.
Individual Modules which can be taken one at a time, in any order, leading to the full Cambridge DELTA Diploma over approximately 21 months, if you take the three modules in succession, including programmed study breaks. You may also decide to take them as stand-alone courses, possibly deciding to add further modules at a later date.
Blended Programme option comprises Modules 1 and Module 3 online and Module 2 face-to-face at International House London.
Start dates
All courses start March and September every year, leading to Cambridge assessment in June and December.
Course duration is as follows:
Please find below some Cambridge links regarding the DELTA qualification:
Cambridge DELTA Topics and Contents
Cambridge DELTA Syllabus
Cambridge DELTA Assessments