Books and Library Facilities


Much of the work done on the Distance DELTA is individual research. This means that in addition to the specially designed Distance DELTA material and resource books which you generally use, you need to have access to appropriate library facilities. The following list is an indication of some of the most useful texts referred to in the Distance DELTA. Specific references for study purposes will be given in the course material. However, please note that your reading will largely be dictated by the areas which you need to research and as a result, you may wish to read texts not included in this list. Core texts are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Integrated Programme

Module 1 and 2

Author Title Edition
Batstone, R. Grammar 1994 OUP
Bygate, M., Tonkyn, A. & Williams, E. (eds) Grammar and the Language Teacher 1994 Prentice Hall International
Carter, R., Hughes, R. & McCarthy, M. Exploring Grammar in Context 2000 CUP
Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb 1987 Longman
Leech, G., Ivanic, R. & Cruickshank, B. An A to Z of English Grammar and Usage 2001 Longman
Lewis, M The English Verb 1986 LTP
* Parrott, M. Grammar for English Language Teachers 2000 CUP
Swan, M. Practical English Usage 1995 CUP
Swan, M. & Walter, C. How English Works 1997 OUP
* Thornbury, S. About Language 1997 CUP
* Thornbury, S. How to Teach Grammar 1999 Longman
* Thornbury, S. Uncovering Grammar 2001 Macmillan Heinemann


Author Title Edition
Gairns, R. & Redman, S. Working with Words 1986 CUP
Lewis, M (ed) Teaching Collocation 2000 LTP
* Lewis, M. Implementing the Lexical Approach 1997 LTP
McCarthy, M. Vocabulary 1990 OUP
Schmitt, N. Vocabulary in Language Teaching 2000 CUP
* Thornbury, S. How to Teach Vocabulary 2002 Longman
* Willis, D. Rules, Patterns and Words 2003 CUP
Dalton, C. & Seidlhofer, B. Pronunciation 1994 OUP
Kelly, G. How to Teach Pronunciation 2000 Longman
* Kenworthy, J. Teaching English Pronunciation 1987 Longman
Roach, P. English Phonetics and Phonology 1983 CUP
* Underhill, A. Sound Foundations 1994 Heinemann


Author Title Edition
Cook, G. Discourse 1989 OUP
* McCarthy, M. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers 1993 CUP
* Thornbury, S. Beyond the Sentence 2005 McMillan


Author Title Edition
Anderson, A. / Lynch, T Listening 1988 OUP
Rost, M. Introducing Listening 1994 Penguin
White, G. Listening 1998 OUP


Author Title Edition
* Nuttall, C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language 1996 Heinemann
Wallace, C. Reading 1992 OUP


Author Title Edition
Brown, G. & Yule, G. Teaching the Spoken Language 1983 CUP
* Bygate M. Speaking 1987 OUP
Nolasco, R. & Arthur, L. Conversation 1987 OUP
* Thornbury, S. How to Teach Speaking 2005 Longman


Author Title Edition
Hedge, T. Writing 1988 OUP
Raimes, A. Techniques in Teaching Writing 1983 OUP
White, R. & Arndt, V. Process Writing 1991 Longman
* Tribble, C. Writing 1996 OUP

Learning and Teaching 

Author Title Edition
Bartram, M. & Walton, R. Correction 1991 LTP
Baxter, A. Evaluating Your Students 1997 Richmond
Bowen, T & Marks, J. Inside Teaching 1994 Heinemann
Ellis, R. Second Language Acquisition 1987 OUP
* Hedge, T. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom 2000 OUP
* Hughes, A. Testing for Language Teachers 1989 CUP
* Larsen-Freeman, D. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd edition) 2000 OUP
* Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How Languages are Learned OUP (2nd edition 1999)
Nunan, D. Language Teaching Methodology 1991 Prentice Hall
* Richards, J. The Language Teaching Matrix 1990 CUP
* Richards, J., Platt, J. & Platt, H. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics 1992 (2nd edition)
Richards, J. & Renandy, W. Methodology in Language Teaching 2002 CUP
Richards, J. & Rogers, T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 2001 (2nd edition) CUP
Scrivener, J. Learning Teaching 1994 Heinemann
* Swan, M. & Smith, B. Learner English 1987 CUP
Willis, D & Willis, J (eds) Challenge and Change in Language Teaching 1996 Heinemann

Course Design

Author Title Edition
Dudeney, G. The Internet and the Language Classroom 2000 OUP
* Graves, K. Designing Language Courses 2000 Newbury House
Nunan, D. Syllabus Design 1988 OUP

The reading for your Module will depend on your chosen specialism. Click here for full list of Cambridge Module 3 specialisms.

Module 1

Each Unit section in the course materials has a list of ‘Suggested’ and ‘Additional Reading’ to enable you to explore the area and deepen your knowledge beyond that gained through the course materials. However, we are aware that you may not have access to all the texts and on a 3 month course you may not have time to look at all the suggested reading. We have therefore compiled a list of core texts which are particularly relevant to your preparation for Module 1.


Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S About Language 1997 Cambridge University Press

Grammar (one of the following)

Author Title Edition
Carter, R. & McCarthy, M. Cambridge Grammar of English 2006 Cambridge University Press
Bygate, M., Tonkyn, A. & Williams, E. (eds) Grammar and the Language Teacher 1994 Prentice Hall International

Writing and Speaking

Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S. Beyond the Sentence 2005 Macmillan

Terminology (one of the following)

Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S. An A-Z of ELT 2002 Macmillan
Macmillan Richards, J. & Schmidt, R Longman’s Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 4th Edition 2010 Longman

Teaching Approaches (one of the following)

Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S. An A-Z of ELT 2002 Macmillan
Lightbown P. & Spada, N. How Languages are Learned 2006 OUP

It is also important to have access to a range of current General ELT coursebooks such as: (New) Cutting Edge, New English File, Face 2 Face, New Headway, Innovations, Inside Out, Language to Go, Natural English, Straightforward etc.

Module 2


Author Title Edition
Batstone, R. Grammar 1994 OUP
Bygate, M., Tonkyn, A. & Williams, E. (eds) Grammar and the Language Teacher 1994 Prentice Hall International
Carter, R., Hughes, R. & McCarthy, M. Exploring Grammar in Context 2000 CUP
Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb 1987 Longman
Leech, G., Ivanic, R. & Cruickshank, B. An A to Z of English Grammar and Usage 2001 Longman
Lewis, M The English Verb 1986 LTP
* Parrott, M. Grammar for English Language Teachers 2000 CUP
Swan, M. Practical English Usage 1995 CUP
Swan, M. & Walter, C. How English Works 1997 OUP
* Thornbury, S. About Language 1997 CUP
* Thornbury, S. How to Teach Grammar 1999 Longman
* Thornbury, S. Uncovering Grammar 2001 Macmillan Heinemann


Author Title Edition
Gairns, R. & Redman, S. Working with Words 1986 CUP
Lewis, M (ed) Teaching Collocation 2000 LTP
* Lewis, M. Implementing the Lexical Approach 1997 LTP
McCarthy, M. Vocabulary 1990 OUP
Schmitt, N. Vocabulary in Language Teaching 2000 CUP
* Thornbury, S. How to Teach Vocabulary 2002 Longman
* Willis, D. Rules, Patterns and Words 2003 CUP
Dalton, C. & Seidlhofer, B. Pronunciation 1994 OUP
Kelly, G. How to Teach Pronunciation 2000 Longman
* Kenworthy, J. Teaching English Pronunciation 1987 Longman
Roach, P. English Phonetics and Phonology 1983 CUP
* Underhill, A. Sound Foundations 1994 Heinemann


Author Title Edition
Cook, G. Discourse 1989 OUP
* McCarthy, M. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers 1993 CUP
* Thornbury, S. Beyond the Sentence 2005 McMillan


Author Title Edition
Anderson, A. / Lynch, T Listening 1988 OUP
Rost, M. Introducing Listening 1994 Penguin
White, G. Listening 1998 OUP


Author Title Edition
* Nuttall, C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language 1996 Heinemann
Wallace, C. Reading 1992 OUP


Author Title Edition
Brown, G. & Yule, G. Teaching the Spoken Language 1983 CUP
* Bygate M. Speaking 1987 OUP
Nolasco, R. & Arthur, L. Conversation 1987 OUP
* Thornbury, S. How to Teach Speaking 2005 Longman


Author Title Edition
Hedge, T. Writing 1988 OUP
Raimes, A. Techniques in Teaching Writing 1983 OUP
White, R. & Arndt, V. Process Writing 1991 Longman
* Tribble, C. Writing 1996 OUP

Learning and Teaching 

Author Title Edition
Bartram, M. & Walton, R. Correction 1991 LTP
Baxter, A. Evaluating Your Students 1997 Richmond
Bowen, T & Marks, J. Inside Teaching 1994 Heinemann
Ellis, R. Second Language Acquisition 1987 OUP
* Hedge, T. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom 2000 OUP
* Hughes, A. Testing for Language Teachers 1989 CUP
* Larsen-Freeman, D. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd edition) 2000 OUP
* Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How Languages are Learned OUP (2nd edition 1999)
Nunan, D. Language Teaching Methodology 1991 Prentice Hall
* Richards, J. The Language Teaching Matrix 1990 CUP
* Richards, J., Platt, J. & Platt, H. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics 1992 (2nd edition)
Richards, J. & Renandy, W. Methodology in Language Teaching 2002 CUP
Richards, J. & Rogers, T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 2001 (2nd edition) CUP
Scrivener, J. Learning Teaching 1994 Heinemann
* Swan, M. & Smith, B. Learner English 1987 CUP
Willis, D & Willis, J (eds) Challenge and Change in Language Teaching 1996 Heinemann

Course Design

Author Title Edition
Dudeney, G. The Internet and the Language Classroom 2000 OUP
* Graves, K. Designing Language Courses 2000 Newbury House
Nunan, D. Syllabus Design 1988 OUP

Module 3

The reading for your Module will depend on your chosen specialism. Click here for full list of Cambridge Module 3 specialisms.

Blended Programme

Module 1

Each Unit section in the course materials has a list of ‘Suggested’ and ‘Additional Reading’ to enable you to explore the area and deepen your knowledge beyond that gained through the course materials. However, we are aware that you may not have access to all the texts and on a 3 month course you may not have time to look at all the suggested reading. We have therefore compiled a list of core texts which are particularly relevant to your preparation for Module 1.


Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S About Language 1997 Cambridge University Press

Grammar (one of the following)

Author Title Edition
Carter, R., Hughes, R. & McCarthy, M. Cambridge Grammar of English 2006 Cambridge University Press
Bygate, M., Tonkyn, A. & Williams, E. (eds) Grammar and the Language Teacher 1994 Prentice Hall International

Writing and Speaking

Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S. Beyond the Sentence 2005 Macmillan

Terminology (one of the following)

Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S. An A-Z of ELT 2002 Macmillan
Macmillan Richards, J. & Schmidt, R Longman’s Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 4th Edition 2010 Longman

Teaching Approaches (one of the following)

Author Title Edition
Thornbury, S. An A-Z of ELT 2002 Macmillan
Lightbown P. & Spada, N. How Languages are Learned 2006 OUP

It is also important to have access to a range of current General ELT coursebooks such as: (New) Cutting Edge, New English File, Face 2 Face, New Headway, Innovations, Inside Out, Language to Go, Natural English, Straightforward etc.

Module 2

The IH London library will provide you with the titles you need.

Module 3

The reading for your Module will depend on your chosen specialism. Click here for full list of Cambridge Module 3 specialisms.

Articles in ELT Journals

The Distance DELTA website contains references to a wide range of articles in ELT journals. These provide an efficient and economical means to understanding theoretical issues. The following are the most useful journals: